Results and deliverables
The e-AgriMBA Project will deliver the following results:
R2.1. Report on the best online e-learning practices.
R2.2. List of needs and preferences regarding the content, design and functionality of the AgriMBA Learning System.
R2.3. AgriMBA Learning System designed and established.
R2.4. Written and video instructions for teachers, students and administrators.
R2.5. Training for instructors and teachers.
R3.1. Curriculum of 8 courses developed by partners and reviewed by the AgriMBA Board.
R3.2. Course materials (8 courses) prepared.
R3.3. Eight courses implemented and tested at the AgriMBA Learning System.
R4.1. Expansion of the existing AgriMBA Network to SAUM Moldova.
R4.2. Development of six new modules at Technical University of Moldova.
R4.3. The establishment of the basic equipment at Technical University of Moldova.
R4.4.The training for Technical University of Moldova teachers how to use Pan-European AgriMBA Learning System
R4.5. Graduation the first MBA cohort at Technical University of Moldova
R4.6. AgriMBA International accreditation prepared at Technical University of Moldova.
Other project deliverables and materials: